Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)

Hello Eagles!

Thank you for taking the time to visit our site! Phi Theta Kappa was founded in 1918 and today encompasses over 1300 worldwide. We are an International Honor Society and the official honor society for two-year colleges. Although we celebrate four primary hallmarks (scholarship, leadership, service, and fellowship), our chapters’ primary focus lies in taking academically successful students and developing them into leaders. Our enjoyment in personal development and giving back can be seen in our dedicated collegiate and community service projects, focused research projects, and lively fellowship events. There is no time component required on your part, as we realize that most of our members are busy with jobs, school, and families. However, we highly encourage you to participate in our activities to achieve the maximum benefit from our society.

Through Phi Theta Kappa, not only can you make a difference for Polk State and the surrounding community, but you can make friends and contacts that will last a lifetime. Many of our members participate in events as alumni because the experiences they had as members created a lasting impact. Our members say it best! Please explore our organization’s main website ( and listen to what various members have said on Phi Theta Kappa’s YouTube page to become familiar with our vibrant and diverse learning community. As you will see, the benefits of membership are numerous and the camaraderie, personal growth, and chapter development provide immeasurable benefits! Being a part of Phi Theta Kappa will be one of the best decisions you will make, during your pursuit of higher education.

If you have been invited to join, and made the decision to become, a member of this most prestigious international honor society, numerous opportunities are available to you. Members have the chance to travel (in and out of state), attend leadership seminars and conferences, fellowship with other chapters, make new friends, network, have access to exclusive Phi Theta Kappa scholarships, be courted by colleges and universities, serve their community, and, most importantly, have fun!

Phi Theta Kappa has two separate chapters at Polk State College. Xi Pi is based on the Winter Haven campus and is advised by Professor Anthony Cornett. Beta Upsilon Upsilon is based on the Lakeland campus and advised by Professor Penny Morris. As chapter advisors, we warmly welcome you. We, too, were inducted into Phi Theta Kappa at our respective community colleges while earning our Associate degrees. We wholeheartedly believe in the four hallmarks of this organization and are so proud to serve the students, school, community, and society. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Penny Morris (Beta Upsilon Upsilon, Lakeland)

Anthony Cornett (Xi Pi, Winter Haven)

  1. COVID-19 Assistance Flyer

    Xi Pi, on Polk State’s Winter Haven campus, created this Canvas shell and flyer to provide sources of assistance to anyone in our community. We have specifically chosen these sources of aid to best target the needs that Covid-19 has affected in our community. Similar to Polk State’s Virtual Tutoring, you can voluntarily join our Canvas shell. Click the following link: (Please note: Use your email address to join). Feel free to share this flyer with anyone who may not have received it or who does not have access to Canvas. We have tried our best to include as many local, state, and federal sources of aid.

    On the flyer, if you click the golden key symbol in the upper, left corner of each page, it will return you back to the home screen. Additionally, clicking the logo of each organization will take you to their website. The images on each page denoting which section you are in also work as a navigation. The flyer’s list is current, as of early March 2021. The Canvas page will be updated regularly as we uncover new sources of assistance or as certain programs end. Through Phi Theta Kappa, our members desire to make a difference for Polk State College and the surrounding community.

    Click Here for flyer

    COVID-19 ASSISTANCE CANVAS (Please note: Use your email address to join)